Policies & Procedures
3.1; Illness
In the interest of the wellbeing of other children please keep your child at home if they are unwell, below is a quick guide, however please take time to read through our policies for more details.
Children who have been prescribed medicines such as antibiotics are recovering from an illness and need to stay home for a minimum of 48hrs from the first dose of antibiotics, please ensure your child has fully recovered before bringing them back to Preschool. Likewise if your child requires Calpol or similar, then they are more than likely not well enough to attend.
If your child is suffering from a sickness bug it is vital that they stay at home for at least 48 hours clear of symptoms such as diarrhea or sickness to prevent it spreading to others.
For information on incubation periods for all childhood illnesses we display a poster as a guide, if you are unsure, please give us a call and we are happy to advise when they can return.
Head lice – check your child’s head regularly. If you find any signs of head lice please treat your child’s hair and ensure all head lice have been removed before bringing your child to Preschool.
Asthma – Nursery staff need to know if your child has asthma and if an inhaler has been prescribed. The inhaler will need to be at nursery at all times your child attends, clearly labelled.
If you child becomes ill during nursery hours we will contact you on the numbers given on the registration form and ask you to collect your child promptly. #
tion to come.
3.2; Outings
We enjoy taking the children out into the wider grounds around Jasmine Pavilion, and to other places within our local community such as The Park, the Library and local schools.
A copy of our outings policy can be found within the Pre-school.
3.3; Complaints
We believe that most complaints are made constructively and can be sorted out at an early stage. We also believe that it is in the best interests of the Preschool and parents that complaints are taken seriously and dealt with fairly and in a way which respects confidentiality.
A copy of the Preschool complaints policy is held within the Pre-school policy file.
Further policies will be added from time to time, parents have full access to our policies folder which holds all of our policies.