Above Photograph; the location of our pre-school, situated in a quiet residential area, with ample parking. For safety, the pre-school entrance is on the pedestrian area away from the car park.
Starting Pre-school:
Children can begin pre-school anytime from their second birthday. At Jasmine Park Pre-school we believe it is important that your child feels happy, safe and secure when they come to play. We will work with you during your child’s first weeks with us to help them settle into our pre-school, you will be invited to bring your child in for a couple of visits leaving them with us to get to know us. This is also an opportunity for you to meet your child’s key person and discuss the needs of your child. It will also be an opportunity for your child to explore and become familiar with the environment and staff and other children.
We recognise that each child is different and your key person will work with you to ensure the settling in period meets the needs of your child.
What is a Key Person?
Every child at Jasmine Park pre-school has one special adult to relate to which can make settling into the group much easier, this person is known as a keyperson.
Your child’s key person will be responsible for getting to know your child’s interests and observe their play and from this they will plan activities and resources to promote your child’s development. They will also be your immediate contact at the setting and will liaise with you about your child’s time at Preschool. However please know that you are able to approach all members of staff about anything.
If you have any worries or concerns about anything at all, please chat to your child’s key person, or the manager. They will normally be available to talk to you about your child either first thing in the morning or near the end of a session alternatively you can arrange a mutually convenient time to meet.
Learning Journeys:
We create a ‘Learning Journey’ for each child to record his/her experiences, overtime it will tell a story about your child’s learning, development, friends and the activities they enjoy sharing with others.
We like to include lots of photographs, art work and observations of your child’s play within the learning journey, and we encourage you to add to it as well by keeping us informed of any milestones in your child’s life.
Partnership with Parents:
As Jasmine Park Pre-school we believe that it is crucial we work together to help and support your child to grow and develop. As parents, you are the first educators of your child. We believe that children gain more skills and knowledge when we work together; sharing the knowledge that we each have and celebrating those special achievements together.
Your child’s personal progress will be recorded in their own personal Learning Journey, which you can look at any time. We courage you to become involved in your child’s learning journey by informing any of our staff team of any achievements which can be documented in their file and we send home progress sheets for you to fill in; these are then added to your child’s Learning Journey.
Through sharing information of your child’s interests, we are able to follow these and enhance the children’s learning keeping them interested and involved in the activities that are around them.
We have a ‘Magic Moments’ wall for special moments that have happened at home that you can share with us, these are displayed and later added to the learning journeys.
In the interest of the wellbeing of other children please keep your child at home if they are unwell, below is a quick guide, however please take time to read through our policies for more details.
Children who have been prescribed medicines such as antibiotics are recovering from an illness and need to stay home for a minimum of 48hrs from the first dose of antibiotics, please ensure your child has fully recovered before bringing them back to Preschool. Likewise if your child requires Calpol or similar, then they are more than likely not well enough to attend.
If your child is suffering from a sickness bug it is vital that they stay at home for at least 48 hours clear of symptoms such as diarrhoea or sickness to prevent it spreading to others.
For information on incubation periods for all childhood illnesses we display a poster as a guide, if you are unsure, please give us a call and we are happy to advise when they can return.
Head lice – check your child’s head regularly. If you find any signs of head lice please treat your child’s hair and ensure all head lice have been removed before bringing your child to Preschool.
Asthma – Nursery staff need to know if your child has asthma and if an inhaler has been prescribed. The inhaler will need to be at nursery at all times your child attends, clearly labelled.
If you child becomes ill during nursery hours we will contact you on the numbers given on the registration form and ask you to collect your child promptly.
A copy of the setting sickness policy can be found within the policies and procedures tab.