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All ready to start?

What should your child wear?


To enable your child to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including very messy ones, it is best for them to be dressed in clothes which are comfortable and easily washable.

For children to gain self-care independence, clothing and footwear needs to be simple and easily managed by your child e.g. leggings or jogging trousers and Velcro fastening on shoes.

For safety reasons we prefer your child to wear good fitting shoes or trainers and not flip-flops or crocs shoes as these can be unsuitable during physical and outside play activities.




What do you need to bring?


You might want to encourage your child to choose a special bag or backpack for pre-school, below is a few things you will want to put in the bag.

A water bottle or cup with fresh drinking water in; we will refill as required.

Nappies and wet wipes to be kept in your child’s bag if required.

Spare clothing; suitable for the weather.

Wellington boots – these need to be clearly named on the outside of the boots.

On sunnier days; sun cream and hat with your child’s name on.

Comforters which are special to your child, we suggest these are named and kept in your child’s bag for safe keeping.


 Snack Time and lunches


We believe that snack time is an important time of the day, it allows children to socialise and chat to their friends. We invite the children to help to prepare snack and serve their friends sat around the table.  The children are encouraged to bring in a piece of fruit to share with their friends at snack time if they like.

We offer healthy snacks during the morning session such as:

A selection of Fresh fruit

Crackers or breadsticks and cheese

Toast, crumpets or potato cakes

Fresh milk

Carrot and cucumber sticks

On special occasions you are very welcome to bring in a birthday cake to share.

Please inform us at induction of any allergies or food intolerance that you child may have.



Lunch time


If your child is with us all day you will need to provide a healthy packed lunch (it is advised a cool pack is enclosed), lunch boxes and drink bottles must be clearly named on the outside. If your child is here for an afternoon session you are welcome to bring your child a packed lunch in to have at lunch time, however if you prefer to give your child lunch at home we will ensure that there is lots of activities available for your child while others have their lunch.

For the safety of all children please avoid nuts and nut products in your child’s lunch box.

All foods that might form a plug in a child’s throat and might cause choking such as grapes or sausages must be cut length ways.

Please remember to include healthy items in your child’s lunch box – if you would like any ideas of healthy options please ask.   All children have access to fresh drinking water throughout the day.




A Typical Day at Pre-School:



9:05am:   Children come in, settle in and explore a little.

9:25am:   Welcome and Register including group time where we are able to share news, look at numbers, initial sounds

                and talk about the day’s plans.

9:45am:   Snack time, we encourage all of the children go to the toilet and wash their hands; the cafe opens and the

                children enjoy their snack and a drink of milk or water.

10:05am: Children choose from a variety of resources, there is always 'mark making' available along with mathematics

                and literacy resources and a creative table along with small world and construction play.

                There is also a home corner, a large comfortable book area, floor play, dressing up and sand and water.

                Outside play is either through 'free flow' or during the morning sessions. We support the children in their

                chosen activity moving them forwards in their development.       

11.40am: A Tidy around from the morning sessions followed by stories and singing ready for home or lunch.

12.05pm: Those children who attend for the morning session are collected, and afternoon children are welcomed in.



12:10pm: Children who are having lunch are encouraged to go to the bathroom, wash hands and enjoy their lunch; with

                a member of staff. If children are attending for the afternoon and not having with us they will be able to select

                toys to play with.

12:50pm: Afternoon register and group time, sharing any news and looking at numbers and initial sounds.

1.15pm:   Like the morning sessions the children choose from a variety of resources, there is always 'mark making'

                available along with mathematics and literacy resources and a creative table along with small world and

                construction play. There is a home corner, a large comfortable book area, floor play, dressing up and sand    

                and water. Outside play is either through 'free flow' or during the morning sessions. We support the children

                in their chosen activity moving them forwards in their development.    

2:35pm:  We begin some tidying up, removing some of the larger equipment as necessary while others enjoy stories

               and singing or physical games before the session ends.

3:00pm   We prepare to say farewell to the children as they go home at 3:05pm.




Jasmine Park 



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